To cope up with the continuous evolution and new technologies of the education environment, Saint Michael’s College of Laguna (SMCL) and FELTA Multi-Media Inc. signed a partnership to establish a Philippine Robotics Academy (PRA).
The PRA explores learning targets on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with the use of simulations and exploring models, Investigative Science, Technology, Mathematics and Language & Literacy.
“The Philippine Robotics Academy at Saint Michael’s College of Laguna will allow our students from Grade 4-12 to explore Robotics Technological concepts” according to Dr. Lourdes Almeda-Sese , College President/ CEO of SMCL. “We are the first school in the South of Metro Manila to offer the PRA to all students in specific grade levels”. She added.
FELTA Multi-Media Inc. provides Robotics textbooks, Robotics Curriculum/ Mapping, Teacher Training (Level 1-3), Technical monitoring, LEGO Nxt #9797 kits and robotics support for the Philippine Robotics Academy at Saint Michael’s College of Laguna.
For more information, please contact, Coni Peralta, Robotics Program Head, (tel) 912-1397 , email : felta@pldtdsl.net or visit www.felta.ph